WOD 11/5/2021
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
Team 500m ski or bike (go till X gets to 500)
Dynamic Warm Up 1x:
–10ea High Plank to Reach
–5-10ea Prone Lying Leg Crossover
–10ea High Plank to Calf Stretch
–5-10ea Thread The Kneedle
Midline & Hinge Warm-Up 2xs:
–:30sec Hip Hinge Hold w/ Arms Extended overhead holding a light plate
–:30sec per side bent knee side plank hold only
–:10sec per side floating bear hold
Plate and KB Warm-Up 2x:
–5 Plate Deadlift
–5 Plate Press
–5 Plate G2OH
–:20 ea side KB Front Rack Hold
then take 5:00 to work up to front rack carry weight and swap out plates
Metcon (No Measure)
With a partner, follow the leader style-
5 RFT:
Partner 1 do:
Double Kettlebell Front Rack Carry, pick load, 200ft
*then partner 2
Partner 1 do:
20 Plate Ground to Overhead (35/25)
*then partner 2
Partner 1 do:
14 Alt. Single Leg V Ups (7ea)
*then partner 2
CAP 30:00
Double Kettlebell Front Rack Carry- choose the weight but should be done in no more than two sets
Partner 1 will complete the entire set of reps at each movement with as few breaks as possible. Every time partner 1 finished X movement, partner 2 “Follows the leader.” Partner 2 can’t start until partner 1 finishes movement, and partner 1 can’t move on until partner 2 finishes movement
You’ll need to focus on strong sets and moving well to hang on in this workout. Breath through each rep and when you feel like putting something down- don’t.
Your goal is to stay unbroken for as much of this as you can and to be ready to work when your partner finishes their set so there is very little transition.