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Call Us: 970-819-0243

WOD 11/10/2021

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


Warm-up (No Measure)

2:00 Ski/Bike


–30 Plank Tap

–10 Sumo Inchworm

–6 Wormy Push Ups

–20 Walking Lunges

2:00 Ski/Bike


–30 Plank Tap

–10ea High Plank to Reach

–6 Knee Push Ups

–10 Air Squats with a pause in the bottom on coaches call

General Barbell Warm Up 1x:

–10 Romanian Deadlift

–5-10 Bent Over Row

–5-10 Muscle Clean

–5-10 Front Squat

Specific Power Clean Warm Up 1x:

–3-5 High Hang Power Clean

–3-5 Hang Power Clean

–3-5 Power Clean

Push Up Teaching Progression/Specific Warm Up 1x:

–:15sec Straight Arm Hollow Body Plank Hold

–3 Strict Lower, worm up

–3 Bottom-Up Push-Up

–3 Perfect Push Up

then take 5:00 to get weight on the bar for power clean


Metcon (No Measure)

Partner Chief


6:00 ON/2:00 OFF

3 Power Cleans 135/95

6 Push Ups

9 Air Squats

*The way this workout will flow is that at 3,2,1 GO- Partner 1 will complete TWO rounds of chief while P2 rests. Then P2 will complete two rounds, while P1 rests. You will continue alternating back and forth working through TWO rounds at a time for six minutes. Then you will rest together for two minutes.

Once the next 6 minutes starts again, you will pick up where you left off. For instance, if P1 had just finished their two rounds, P2 will start their two rounds. But if P1 had 1 round left to go, they will start with 1 round before P2 begins.
Today is our interval day of the week. Not only do you have rest while your partner works but you also get a 2:00 rest every round. This means you need to push the pace and work on FAST reps.