WOD 07/02/2022
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
3:00 Machine
20 ea Lunge Knee Over Toe Pulse
15 Wall Dorsiflexion Raises
2:00 Machine
5ea Position Plate Foam Roll T-Spine Melts
5ea Arrested Superman
1:00 Machine
15 ea Banded Posterior Hip Pulses
:30 Goblet Bottom of Squat Hold
8 Air Squats
6 Alt. S. Arm Db Hang Snatch
3ea S. Arm Thruster
1ea S. Arm Devils Press + Thruster
5 Barbell Backsquats at light weight with :03 pause in the bottom
Back Squat (1×3)
Take 15:00 to work up to a heave set of 3 back squat
Metcon (No Measure)
With a Partner;
You go, I go- each movement
20:00 AMRAP
500m Row
400m Ski
1.2 KM Bike
*while your partner does their monostructural work, you are chipping away at single arm devils press + thruster, alternating sides each rep (35/25)
While this looks like a partner workout on paper, you are technically working for 20:00 straight, so we are looking for around 75% today from the start