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Call Us: 970-819-0243

WOD 06/05/2021

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


Warm-up (No Measure)

1 Round:

–50-100 Single Unders

–10 Hanging Hip Touch

–8 Kip Swing

–10 Kneeling Shoulder Taps

–8 Hand Release Push Ups

–:20sec each Side Plank Hold

1 Round:

–20 Single Leg Jump Rope (right)

–20 Single Leg Jump Rope (left)

–8 Kip Swing

–8 Hand Release Push Ups

–:20sec each Side Plank Hold

Muscle Up Teaching Progression 1x:

–4 Kipping Pull Ups or Jumping Pull Ups

–4 Kipping Ring Dip or Jumping Ring Dip

–2 Kneeling Muscle-Up Transition

–1-2 Muscle Ups or Variation

Double Under Practice 2xs:

–20 Single Unders

–20 Single Unders Jumping Fast

–20 Single Unders Jumping High

–:30sec of Single, Double, Single


Bench Press (5×5)

Take 20 minutes to warm up and hit your working sets. Try to hit all five sets at roughly 65-70%% of your 1RM.


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Partner Workout

AMRAP 20:00

Partner 1: Kettlebell Farmers Carry, 53/35, 150m

Partner 2: AMRAP

4 Ring Muscle-ups

25 Double Unders