WOD 05/29/2021
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
Bike, Row or Ski 3xs:
–:20sec ON
–:10sec OFF
1 Round:
–30 Little Hops
–10 Bootstrapper
–8 Plate Front Raise
–8 Bent Over Fly
–Squat with Plate Press Out
Coaches Squat/T-Spine Mobility
1 Round:
–30 Big Jumps
–5 Inchworm + Push Up
–8 Snatch Deadlift
–5 Muscle Snatch
–5 Kanga Squats with barbell in back rack
1 Round:
–20 Alternating Deadbugs
–10 Barbell Back Squats
Back Squat
Take 15:00 to work up to a heavy single or 1RM back squat
Do what feels good for your body today! If working up super heavy doesn’t feel good for you, then get in several solid singles at moderate weight. If you feel like going for a 1RM- do it! Failure is OK today as long as it happens in the last 5:00.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Alternating E2MOM with a partner for 20:00
1:00 max rep Calorie Bike
1:00 max rep Power Snatches, 75/55 lbs
The way this works is that Partner 1 will work for 2:00 straight, getting max reps and switching at 1:00 to the second movement. Partner 2 rests. Then they switch.
Work to be consistent but push around 85%. You want to work fast as you’ll have plenty of rest, but you also want to work to stay within 5 reps each round of your other rounds.