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Call Us: 970-819-0243

WOD 05/28/2022

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


Warm-up (No Measure)

Foam Roll;


-Shoulder Blades



50′ Ankling

50′ Backwards Run


10ea Alt. Calf Stretch on Rig

20 Single Unders

Foam Roll Progressed;


-Shoulder Blades



8ea FWD/BWD Leg Swing

8ea Lateral Leg Swing

:20 Quadruped Hold

3 Muscle Cleans with a :05 Deadlift + 4 Elbow Punches

3 Tall Power Cleans with a :03 Pause in Landing


:15 Top of Glute Bridge Hold

5 Thoracic Push Ups

5 Wormy Push ups

5 Bench Press with :03 Hold at the Bottom


Metcon (No Measure)

Teams of 3


:30ea Power Cleans (115/75)

:30ea Double Unders

:30ea Dball Carry (100/70)

24:00-30:00 follow the leader style, sharing one bench, working to a heavy 1 rep bench press

*The way this workout runs is follow the leader style. P1 will perform :30 of max effort power cleans, followed by P2, followed by P3. Then you will move on to DU. And then to the :30’ea DBALL Carry. One movement will take 1:30 to get through, and the entire round 4:30. The entire workout will take 22:30. You will have :90 regroup before starting the 6 minute bench piece.
Today you are performing a 1:2 rest to work ratio. This is high intensity work and WILL be challenging if you push yourself to move FAST through each rep and stay unbroken at each station. Choose a weight on the barbell that requires you to power clean (NOT muscle) but also allows you to hang on for the full :30 for at least the first two rounds