WOD 05/19/2022
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
1:30 Ski or Row
Foam Roll;
-hip flexors
1:30 Ski or Row
12 Alt. Groiners + 3 pulses
10 Plank to Down Dog + 3 pulses
6ea High Plank Calf Stretch
8ea Laying Knee Squeeze + Hamstring Extension
10 Front Rack Barbell Dip, Hold, Stand (slow)
:20 Barbell OH Hold
10 Glute Bridge
20 Tippy Toe Talk + 10 Calf Raise
10 Front Rack Barbell Dip and Drive (fast)
5 Strict Press
8ea Single Leg Glute Bridge
40 Lateral Hops
5 Push Press with :02 pause in dip and :02 pause overhead
5 Push Press (fast)
8 Alt. Step Ups
40 Single Unders
*coach review that push press AND push jerk are both allowed in this workout
then spend 5-8 minutes getting bars loaded and equipment out
Metcon (No Measure)
With a Partner;
AMRAP 26:00
80/60 Calorie Row
60 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75)
60 DB Step Up (20/20) (50/35) (just one DB)
200 Double Unders
This workout is just put your head down and do the work. Make a plan with your partner and stick to do able quick sets from the beginning!