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Call Us: 970-819-0243

WOD 05/14/2022

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


Warm-up (No Measure)

EMOM x 9

Minute 1- Bike/Ski

Minute 2- :25 Plate Ground to Overhead & :25 Passive Lateral Lunge

Minute 3- :25 Up Down+ Hop Onto Plate & :25 Plate Squat + Press Away

Snatch/Burpee Warm Up 1x:

–5 Snatch Grip Deadlift

–3 Snatch Shrug (from the shin)

–3 Snatch High Pull

–3 Muscle Snatch

–2 Burees focusing on stance

–5 Snatch Grip Push Press

–3 Tall Snatch Drop 2″” (power position)

–3 Snatch Balance (power position)

–2 Burpees focusing on popping the hips off of the floor, snapping toes to wrists

–5 Power Snatch (:02 pause at shin, :02 pause in landing)

–2 Burpees focusing on top position- hips open, knees open, eyes forward


Metcon (No Measure)

With a partner,

E2MOM alternating with a partner.

8 Power Snatches (95/65) (must be touch and go)

7 Burpees

9/6 Calorie Ski Erg

**all out sprint style


from 24:00-32:00 work to a heavy single power or squat snatch

*this workout is done similar to a you go- I go, alternating rounds partner workout, but the difference is that you only go at the 2:00 mark- which means no matter what you will always get 2:00+ of rest
These are meant to be sprint intervals and your performance SHOULD drop off if you’re doing this right. So SEND IT! Have fun and don’t hold back, push the pace and make it hurt!