WOD 03/05/2022
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
22.2 FLUSH;
1:00 Machine
5ea Lying Leg Swings
3ea Lying Leg Crossovers
3 Rollover V-sit
:30 Wide Knee Childs Pose
10 PVC Ragdolls + Up&Down Hinging
5 Strict Press with :02 pause at top
:15 Hollow Hold
:15 Arch Hold
10 Lat Pull Ups
10 PVC Ragdolls + Up&Down Hinging
5 Push Press with :02 pause in dip and at top
:15 Hollow Hold
:15 Arch Hold
10 Kip Swings (progressing small to big)
10 PVC Ragdolls + Up&Down Hinging
5 Push Jerk with :02 pause in dip and at top
:15 Hollow Hold
:15 Arch Hold
3 Kip Swings + 3 Kipping Knee to Chest
3 Kipping Knee to Chest + 3 TTB
Metcon (No Measure)
With a Partner,
30c Bike
30 TTB
30 Push Jerk (136/95)
30c Ski
*split work as desired for the entire workout