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Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


Warm-up (No Measure)

Rowling/skiing 2xs:


*For each meter the athlete is under or over 100m for the row they will do 1ea hip windshield wiper.

*For each meter the athlete is under or over 100m for ski they will do 2 Ostrich Walk

Dynamic Warmup 1x:

–10ea High Knee Tuck

–10ea Figure Four

–10ea Hamstring Sweep

–10ea Quad Stretch

Row Teaching Progression 1x:

–Have athletes establish their catch position

–10 Quarter Pulls

–10 Quarter Pulls + Open the Hip

–10 Leg + Hips + Hands

–10 Pulls w/ a focus on the return

Ski Teaching Progression 1x:

–10 Hinge Pulls

–10 Hinge + squat

–10 Pulls w/ a focus on timing

Row/ski Workout Prime 3xs:

–:20sec @ a hard pace

–:20sec REST


Metcon (Time)

For time:

Row, 250 m

— Rest 2 mins —

Row 500 m

— Rest 3 mins —

Row, 1000 m

— Rest 4 mins —

Ski, 1000 m

— Rest 4 mins —

Ski, 500 m

— Rest 3 mins —

Ski, 250 m

Time Cap: 32min