Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
Movement Prep 1 round:
–bike legs only :45 (focus on knees tracking)
–20 alt Slow Groiners +downdog
–:20 Sec Bear Hold
–bike arms only :45 (focus on driving thru the shoulders and having slight lean forward with tall chest
–20 alt Slow Pigeons + Rotation
–:10 Sec ea Floating Bear Hold
–bike :45 (focus on strong core)
–20 alt slow thread leg under +leg up and over
–3ea Floating Bear Hold + Rotation
Movement Primer x 3 rounds:
–3 Bootstrapper
–3 Air Squats
–3 Back Squats (add weight each round)
–:10 sec bike sprint (increase pace each round)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
As many reps as possible in 10 mins of:
Bike Calories
Plank Hold
Back Squat, 135/95 lbs
Complete in teams of 3. One athlete at each exercise. Rotate as often or little as you like.
Score is total reps for bike and squats as a team.
This is our short sprint workout for the week partner style!! I would suggest rotating every 30-45sec. Hold a fast pace on the bike. For the squats you want a weight that you can move pretty continuously for the time you are under the bar – it should be a light to moderate weight
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 rounds for quality:
12 Alternating Goblet Lateral Lunge, using heaviest weight per set
8 Eccentric Dumbbell Pull Over, using heaviest weight per set