Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
Row, Bike, or Ski Erg 4-6xs:
–:20sec Easy
–:10sec Hard
1 Round:
–10ea Hamstring Sweep
–20 Steps Ostrich Walk
–10ea Walking Quad Stretch
–:20sec Glute Bridge
–10 Straight Leg Sit Up
–10ea Lying Leg Swing
–10ea Lying Leg Crossover
–5 V Sit Roll Over
–:20sec ea. Single Leg Glute Bridge
–10 Straight Leg Sit-Up
Rowing Specific Warm Up 2xs:
–10 Pull Using Just Legs
–10 Pulls Using Legs + Opening Hip
–10 Pulls Legs + Hip + Pull
Workout Prime 2x:
–10 pulls building to max effort
–Rest 1min
Metcon (Time)
Each for time:
Row: 5x 500 m
Rest 2 mins between efforts.
Time Cap: 23min
Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of this workout. There isn’t much worse then repeat 500’s on the rower.
Looking for 85-90% effort on each 500 and landing between 1:45-2:15 time for each.
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 rounds:
–5ea Lying Leg Swing
–5ea Lying Leg Crossover
–5 V Sit Roll Over
–5 cat/cow