Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
Jump Rope 3xs:
–:20sec Jump Rope
–:10sec Rest
//Any Jump Rope Variation.//
–5ea Thoracic Rotation
–:10 sec ring deadhang + :10 sec ring lat active
–5ea Way Kettlebell Figure 8
–:20 sec Ovhd KB Hold (Hollow body)
Jump Rope 3xs:
–:20sec Jump Rope
–:10sec Rest
//Any Jump Rope Variation.//
–5ea Moose Antlers
–10 Ring Lat Pull-ups
–5ea Way Kettlebell Figure 8
–:10 sec each Suitcase March
Specific Strict Toes to Bar Warm Up 1x:
–4 Strict Hanging Knee Raise
–4 Strict Straight Leg Raise
–4 Lat Lean Back – look at rings
–2 Strict Toes To Ring
–2 Strict Toes To Ring (focus on decent)
Double Under Practice 4xs:
–:20sec Double Unders or Double Under Practice
–:10-:20sec of Rest
Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time of:
10 Strict Toes-to-rings
Farmer Carry, 50/35 lbs, 120m
50 Double Unders
rest 4:00
800m Sled Drag
Time Cap 30:00
**For farmers carry, if outside 2 trips down and back to garage and if inside 3 trips down and back blue line.
**For sled pull, bottom of drive way to stop sign 2x.
These are two separate pieces sandwiched together. This just means you want to treat each with intensity as two 12ish minute workouts vs one long workout. Push the pace in both and enjoy the rest as a reset.