Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
Bike :90 min
Ski :90 min
**talk about bike seat height and distance to handles
**talk core engagement and knee tracking
2 Rounds:
–:10 sec Bent Knee Side Plank + 5 Hinges
–:12 ea Floating Bear Hold
–:30 sec bottom goblet squat hold
1 Round:
–10 Air Squats
–10 Up/Down
–7 Goblet Squat
–7 Burpees
Barbell Warmup:
–5 Kang Squats
–5 Tempo Back Squats (down for 3 pause for 3 up for 3)
Workout Prep/Movement Prime 1x:
–:30sec Bike @ workout pace
–3 Backsquat @ workout weight
–3 Burpee
Metcon (Time)
21-15-9 reps, for time of:
Bike Calories
Back Squat 135/95 lbs
Time Cap: 10 min
This is our shorter workout for the week. Push the pace on the burpee and the bike then slow and steady on the ack squat. These can be broken up into multiple sets in the higher rep rounds.
Warm-up (No Measure)
4 rounds for quality of:
Side Plank + External Rotation, pick load, R 30 secs
Rest 10 secs
Side Plank + External Rotation, pick load, L 30 secs
Rest 10 secs
Bent Over Fly, pick load, 30 secs
Rest 10 secs