Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
–10 PVC Pass Thru
–10 PVC Around the World
–15 Band Pull Aparts
–10 Behind the Neck Banded Press
:30ea lacrosse ball pec smash
5 prone snow angel into a press + 3sec pause in each position
–10 PVC Pass Thru
–10 PVC Around the World
–15 Band Pull Aparts
–10 Behind the Neck Banded Press
:30ea lacrosse ball pec smash
5 prone snow angel into a press + 3sec pause in each position
PVC Pausing bar path drills 1xs:
**pause mid shin, knee, down
–high pull
PVC Footwork Drills 1xs:
–5 PVC Push Press
–5 PVC Heaving Snatch Balance
–5 PVC Snatch Balance
Barbell Pausing bar path drills 1xs:
**pause mid shin, knee, down
–high pull
then 1x thru no pause
Barbell Footwork Drills 1xs:
–3 Push Press
–3 Heaving Snatch Balance
–3 Snatch Balance
–3 High Hang Power Snatch
–3 Hang Power Snatch
–3 Power Snatch
Power Snatch
Every 1 min for 10 mins
**adding weight
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 mins of:
20 Walking Lunge
20 Plate Ground-to-Overheads, 45/25 lbs
10 Push-ups
30 Single Unders