Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
1 Round:
–50 Single Unders
–:20 sec Bent Knee Hollow Hold
–:20 sec Arch Hold
–10 Progressing Bootstrappers
–5ea Sky Reach
–5 Seated Ring Rows + 5 Kipping Ring Rows
1 Round:
–50 Single Unders
–:20 sec Hollow Hold
–:20 sec Arch Hold
–10 Plank to Downdog (wide hands)
–7 Wall Squats
–:10 sec Deadhang + :10 sec lat active + 10 Lat Pull-ups
PVC Ovhd Squat Warmup:
–10 ea Assisted Lat Stretch
–10 ea Guided Horizontal Abduction
–10 ea behind the back IR/ER
–10 PVC Overhead Squat
–10 PVC Sotts Press
Barbell General Bar Warm Up 1x:
–5 Muscle Snatch
–5 Snatch Push Press
–5 Overhead Squat
Chest to Bar Specific Warm Up 2x:
–3 Jumping Pull-Up
–3 Kip Swing + 1 Pull Ups
–3 Kip Swing + 1 Pull Ups + 1 C2B
Metcon (Time)
For time:
25 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
25 Pull-ups
100 Overhead Squats, 75/55 lbs
200 Double Unders
Time Cap: 12 min
High volume today – cut down reps if you need to but follow the flow of the wod. This is our shorter workout for the week so move thru and get it done.
Give yourself 4-5 min for the pull-ups. 5-6 min for the Overhead Squats and around 2-3 min for the double unders. Because of high volume ovhd squats – it’s a great day to do it but use PVC if you struggle with the overhead position.
Warm-up (No Measure)
Strict Handstand Push-ups 8-6-4-2-4-6-8
modify to z press if needed
Sets must be unbroken.
Rest 1-2 mins between sets.