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Call Us: 970-819-0243


By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds:

–:20 sec Tippy Toe Walk

–:20 sec Top of Calf Raise Hold

–:20sec Single Unders

–:20sec Bootstrapper

–:20sec Bent Knee Side Plank + Hinge RT

–:20sec Bent Knee Side Plank + Hinge LFT

–:20sec Lateral Jump Rope

–:20sec Inchworm

–:20sec Front Back Jump Rope

–:20sec Samson Lunge

–:20sec Turkish sit up + screwdriver RT

.–:20sec Turkish sit up + screwdriver LFT

General Barbell Warm Up 1x;

–10 Romanian Deadlift

–5 Muscle Clean

–5 Front Squat

–5 Push Press

Thruster/DU Specific Warm Up 1x:

–3 Thruster (resetting at the shoulders)

–20 Lofty Singles

–3 Thruster (touch & go off the shoulders

–20 Penguin Claps

–3 Cluster

–20 DU


DU/Thruster EMOM (Weight)

Every 1 min for 31 mins

20 Double Unders + 2 Thrusters

*every minute you add weight to the thrusters, when you hit your heaviest weight then you work your way back down

RX: 95/65 lbs + 5#- 10# every minute ending at 245/165 lbs

Double unders should only take about 15-20 sec. If you don’t have du today you will do 20 singles. No matter where you start with your weight for the thrusters the minimum work requirement for today is working for 11 min up and 10 min down for a total of 21 min. If that means you have to repeat weights at times that’s ok. The heaviest weight you lift today should be heavy, possible even 2 singles.


Warm-up (No Measure)

Week 5; PU and HSPU Open Prep

3×10 perfect reps, with as little rest as possible between sets

Pull-Up Mods/Progression;

-Ring Rows

-Kipping Ring Rows + Big Kip Swings (do both)

-Jumping Kipping Pull Ups

-Pull Ups


HSPU Mods/Progression;

-Seated DB Z-press

-Pike HSPU + :10 HS Holds (do both)

-Box HSPU + :10 HS Holds (do both)

-HSPU Negatives