Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
1min Bike/Ski Erg
10 Sumo Inchworm
5ea Spiderman
1min Bike/Ski Erg
6ea Single Arm KB DL
8 Alternating Reverse Lunge
1min Bike/Ski Erg
10 KB Kang Squats
8 Bootstrappers
1min Bike/Ski Erg
6ea Single Arm KB Swing
8 Alternating KB Reverse Lunge
General Barbell Warm Up 1x:
–10 Romanian Deadlift
–10 Bent Over Row
–5-10 Muscle Clean
–5-10 Front Squat
Burgener Clean 1-2xs:
–3-5 Down & Up
–3-5 Down & High Pull
–3-5 Down & Muscle Clean
–3-5 Drop 2″”
–3-5 Drop below parallel
Kettlebell Specific Warm Up 1x:
–Have athletes establish their hinge position
–10 Russian Swing
–6 American Swing
Squat Clean Specific Warm Up 1x:
–3 High Hang Squat Clean
–3 Hang Squat Clean
–3 Squat Clean
Movement Prep/ Workout Prime 1x:
–2-3 Squat Clean @ workout weight
–6-8 Kettlebell Swing
Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time of:
7 Squat Cleans, 155/105 lbs
14 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 lbs
Time Cap: 10min
Quick singles on the squat cleans is a smart move to control your heart rate – that being said if your feeling great try to get in some touch and go reps. KBS should be done unbroken each rd. Don’t go out to hot on this one – pace yourself and pick it up at the end.
Warm-up (No Measure)
4 rounds for quality of:
1 Box Jump, 24/20 in
1 Box Jump, 30/24 in
1 Box Jump, 36/30 in
Sled Push, pick load, 100 ft
*even though this says for quality pick up the pace a bit
rest as needed between sets