Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
Partner Rowling 5xs:
*For each meter the athlete is under or over 100m they will do 1 air squat. No more than 10 air squats per round to any athlete.
Dynamic Warm Up 1x:
–5ea Spiderman Lunge + Rotation
–10 Plank to Downdog
–10ea Lying Leg Swing
–5 ea Lying Leg Crossover
Rowing Teaching Progression 1x:
–10 Leg Drive (quarter pulls)
–10 Leg Drive + Open Hip
–10 Leg Drive + Open Hip + Arms
–10 Pulls w/ a :01sec pause at the chest
General Barbell Warm Up 1x:
–10 Romanian Deadlift
–5 Front Squat
–5 Strict Press
Pull Up Specific Warm Up 1x:
–:20sec Dead Hang
–6 Kip Swing
–3 Kip Swing + 2 Pull Ups or Jumping Pull Ups
Thruster Specific Warm Up 1x:
–5 Thruster (on coach’s call)
Movement Prep/ Workout Prime 1x:
–:30sec Row @ workout pace
–8 Thrusters @ first weight
–3 Kipping Pull Ups or Variation
–:30sec Row @ workout pace
–5 Thrusters @ 2nd weight
–1-2 Weighted Pull Ups or Variation
“Jackie Intervals” (Time)
For time:
Row, 1000 m
50 Thrusters, 45/35 lbs
30 Pull-ups
— Rest 3 mins —
Row, 750 m
35 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs
15 Weighted Pull-ups, pick load
Time Cap: 20 min
You aren’t going to win this wod on the row – attack at a moderate pace. For thrusters in both parts you want to finish in 1-3 sets, same for pull-ups.
Warm-up (No Measure)
2-3 rounds
Forearm Plank Seesaw
Wall Slides
Seal Walk
Eccentric Plate Abductions