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By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


Warm-up (No Measure)

Dynamic Warm Up 1x:

–10ea Lying Leg Swing

–5ea Lying Leg Crossover

–10 Roll Over V Sit

–5ea Spiderman Lunge + Rotation

1 Round:

–:20sec moving thru bottom of squat and hips up

–:20sec Childs Pose

–10 Air Squats

–10 Plate Ground to Overhead


On a 20″ box

Ankle stretch :20 sec

then :10 sec hold each –

knee out lunge hip opener

shoot hips back hamstring stretch



:10 sec hold each w/ PVC

elbows on box – elbows together hands outside of elbows

chest to floor

hollow hold


1 Round:

–:20sec bottom squat hold

–:20sec Childs Pose (:10 sec each right and left)

–10 Air Squats + plate press

–10 Plate Ground to Overhead


go thru positions – down position – hang position – shin

then from shin-

3 stand up

3 shrug

3 high pull

3 muscle clean

3 tall clean drops to 1/4 squat

3 tall clean to parallel

3 tall clean to full squat

1 power clean

1 power clean to parallel

1 squat clean


wrist stretches

Push Jerk and Split Jerk:

3 jump and land

3 jump and land hands at shoulders

3 jump and land drive hands overhead

3 push jerk w/ PVC

3 push jerk w/ barbell

Find lunge position on floor

3 drop to split

3 drop to split hands at shoulders

3 drop to split driving arms overhead

3 split jerk with barbell

1 power clean + 1 push jerk

1 power clean + 1 split jerk

1 squat clean + 1 push jerk

1 squat clean + 1 split jerk



10 pass thrus

5 behind the neck press

3 overhead squat

3 tall snatch to 1/4 squat

3 tall snatch to parallel

3 tall snatch to full squat


go over positions – down – hang – shin

from shin:

3 stand

3 shrug

3 high pull

3 muscle

3 power

3 power to parallel

3 full squat (or 3 power to overhead squat)


Snatch (1 rep max)

Take 15 min to find a 1 rep max power snatch or full snatch

Power Snatch (1 rep max)

Take 15 min to find a 1 rep max power snatch or full snatch

Clean and Jerk (1 rep max)

Take 15 min to find a 1 rep max clean and jerk