Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMiddleSchool
Warm-up (No Measure)
Dynamic Warm Up :40-:20sec ON, :10sec OFF 1x through each movement:
–High Knees (in place)
–Sumo Inchworm
–Buttkickers (in place)
–Forward Arm Circles
–Backwards Arm Circles
–Jumping Jacks
–High Knee Tuck + Lunge & Rotate
–Forward Jumping Jacks
–Toe Touches
–Scissor Jumps (in place)
Coach the power snatch then spend some time practicing – pVC then barbell
– get hand position – hands wide – bend knee put
– 5 down up
– 5 down up with shrug
– 5 down up shrug high pull
– 5 down up shrug high pull punch overhead (muscle snatch)
– all of the above from the hang
Metcon (Calories)
AMRAP 12 min:
Run 200m
3 Broad Jumps
3 Kneeling Jumps
10 Power Snatch