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Call Us: 970-819-0243


By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


Warm-up (No Measure)

foam roller T- spine

10 cat/cow

:30ea Bent Knee Side Plank

15ea 3 Position Posterior Shoulder

12 DB Floor Press

Partner Bully Stretch

foam roller T-spine

10 cat/cow w/rock back

:30ea Side Plank

15ea 3 Position Posterior Shoulder

12 DB Floor Press

Partner Bully Stretch

foam roller T-spine arm sweeps

10 segmented cat/cow

10ea Side Plank + Rotation

15ea 3 Position Posterior Shoulder

12 DB Floor Press

Barbell Specific:

3 Position Bench – focus on what elbows are doing on the way up


Bench Press

1×5 at 75% (90% of (1 RM + 5 lbs))

1×3 at 85% (90% of (1 RM + 5 lbs))

1×1+ at 95% (90% of (1 RM + 5 lbs))

Rest as needed between sets.

***on the last set go for a max effort set

***this is the last week of our wendlers program


Warm-up (No Measure)

150 TIGHT Mtn Climbers

80 Sit Ups

60 Hollow Rocks

40 GHD Sit Ups

20 Double Leg V-Ups

Try to work through this with as little rest as possible

Ouch! Have fun :)