Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
1:00 sec ski
–20 Thoracic Pushups
–20 Ring Thoracic Pullups
–20 Glute Bridge
–20 Alt Quadruped Raise
:45 sec ski
–16 progressing plank to downdog
–16 Alt Moose Antlers
–16 Alt Single Leg Glute Bridge
–16 Alt Deadbug
back of shoulder smash
Banded distraction
Top of Floor Press Hold
:30 sec ski
–8 ea DB bent over row
–8 ea DB floor press
–:20 sec Glute Bridge Hold
–16 Alt Birddog
–8 ea DB bent over row
–8 ea DB floor press
barbell specific warmup:
–decline bench
Bench Press
1×5 at 75% (90% of 1 RM)
1×3 at 85% (90% of 1RM)
1×1+ at 95% (90% of 1RM)
Rest as needed between sets.
***on the last set go for a max effort set
***this is the third week of the 1st cycle of wendlers. Use the same number you used last week to base your percentages off of.
Warm-up (No Measure)
EMOM 10:00
Minute 1- :30 Bent Knee Hollow Hold (or you can start with hollow hold then move to bent knee)
Minute 2- :30 Super Man Hold
This is going to be hard, if you start to not be able to do the entire time, go to just max effort sets on the minute.
Let legs spread out as much as needed to get as much height off the ground as possible