Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
:30 sec Ski
7 Plank to Downdog +
7ea Thoracic Rotation
7ea BirdDog
:20ea Bent Knee Side Plank
:30 sec Ski
7 Forearm plank to downdog +
7ea Thread the needle
7ea Deadbug
:20ea Bent Knee Side Plank
:30 sec Ski
foam roll lats
green band lat
plate wall punch
Movement Specific:
3ea High Pull
3ea 3 Position DB Press
3 Shoulder Press
Shoulder Press
1 rep max
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds:
x:45 Lat Active
x5 Band Assisted 1 ½ Pull-Up (Start at the bottom of the pull-up. Pull your chin over the bar, and perform a slight pause to engage the back muscles. Go down about halfway so that your elbows are in line with your eye. Pull yourself back up. That is a 1 ½ pull-up.)
Rest :45 sec
2 Rounds:
x5 DB Lat Eccentrics w/ 7 sec down
x8 Incline Seal Row
Rest :45 sec
1 Max Effort Set of Pull-ups + max effort set of banded pull-ups
**so you will do a max effort set of pull-ups as you have been for the past few weeks – then you will do a burnout set with a band – if you have been using a band you will add another band – this is all about volume