Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
1 min bike arms only/1 min Ski Erg
1 min Bike/1 min Ski Erg
2 rounds:
–10 Sumo Inchworm
–10ea Childs Pose Straight Arm Lift
–:25sec ea Side Plank Hold (oblique focus)
–10 Forearm Plank to Downdog
–10ea Deadbug
Mobility/Stability 2x:
TEST – 5 behind the neck press
:30 sec lacrosse ball smashing front of shoulder on the rig
:30 sec lacrosse ball back of shoulder smashing on wall
3 x w/ 3 sec hold in each position
Prone AWY(+ER)WA
RE-TEST – 5 behind the neck press
Barbell Specific Warmup:
–1/4 press- focus on chin and slight lean back
–1/2 press- focus on pulling bar back
–press – focus on bringing head back to neutral
Shoulder Press
1×5 at 65% (90% of 1RM)
1×5 at 75% (90% of 1RM)
1×5+ at 85% (90% of 1RM)
Rest as needed between sets.
***on the last set go for a max effort set
***this is the first week of cycle 1 of wendlers. Take your 1 rep max and take 90% of it. This will be the number you will base your percentages off of for the next 3 weeks . Then take the above percentages for your working sets.
Warm-up (No Measure)
4x:15 sec Deadhang + :15 sec Lat Active (Add weight if you can) Rest :30 sec
4x:10 Isometric Pull-Up Hold (Add weight if you can) Rest :30 sec
*you can jump up to the top of the pull-up
5 Inverted Barbell Row w/5 sec eccentric (Use a pronated grip, slightly wider than shoulders)
Rest :30 sec
5 Lat Pulldown w/ 5 sec eccentric (get a full lat stretch between reps by elongating the arms at the top.)
1 Max Effort Set of Pull-ups
*if you have 7-10 strict pull-ups you will do bw pull-ups.
*if you have less then 7 strict bw pull-ups you will use a band (choose a band that will allow you to get 7-10)
*if you have more then 10 strict bw pull-ups you will add weight