Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
1 Round:
–:45sec Bike/ Ski Erg
–8 Bootstrapper
–8ea Sky Reach
–10 Bent Knee Side Plank with Rotation
–15 Supra Front Raise
1 Round:
–:45sec Bike/ Ski Erg
–5 ea DB Deadlift
–5 ea DB Squat
–5 ea DB Push Press
–5 ea DB Thruster
–10 Bent Knee Side Plank with Rotation
–15 Supra Front Raise
General Barbell Warm Up 1x:
–10 Romanian Deadlift
–5 Muscle Clean
–10 Alternating Elbow Rotations
–5 Front Squat
–5 Strict Press
Thruster Teaching Progression 1x:
–5 Front Squat (full grip)
–5 Push Press
–3 Thruster (resetting on the shoulders for each rep)
–3 Thruster (touch & go off the shoulders)
Thruster Build Up Sets 1x:
–Allow your athletes 2-3 minutes to establish their working weight for the day.
Workout Prime/ Movement Prep 1x:
–3 Thrusters @ workout weight
–:20sec Bike @ workout pace
–3 Thrusters @ workout weight
Metcon (Time)
For time:
20 Thrusters, 115/75 lbs
40/32 Bike Calories
20 Thrusters, 115/75 lbs
Time Cap: 8 min
Each set of thrusters should be done in no more then 2-3 sets.
The bike should be completed in around 3 min.