Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
EMOM x 9min (3 Rounds):
Minute 1: :45sec Bike/Ski Erg
Minute 2: 8 Plank Ups + 15 Banded Row
Minute 3: 5 No Push Up Burpees + 8 Hollow To Tuck
Rope Climb Teaching Progression 1x:
–2-3 Lay to Stand Rope Climb
–:03sec Rope Hang
–3 Find It & Feed It
–3 Find It & Feed It + 1 Pull
–2 Find It & Feed It + 1-2 Pulls
Burpee Specific Warm-Up 1x:
–5 Burpee (on coach’s call)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
EMOM for 15 mins
Min 1: 3 Rope Climbs
Min 2: 18 Burpees
Min 3: 18 Plank Slide Thru 50/35
After the first round adjust reps so you can stay consistent for the rest of the EMOM. Leave yourself 10-15 sec for transition time between movements.
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 rounds for quality of:
50 Prone Wall Ball Hamstring Curls
50 Seated Calf Raises
Banded Lateral Walk, L 25 ft/R 25 ft