Sunday 12/18/2022
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warmup as a group
200m run
30-50 ft hip elevated crab walk
30-50 ft stiff-legged bear crawl (forward + backward)
200m run
5-10 reps each of floor sequence
200m run
Hip Prep in Partners
10 glute-ham raises, each
30 sec partner hip stretch, each side
2 rounds each
Workout Prep
As a group with a KB one load down from working weight, perform:
8 strict sit-ups
8 deadlifts + 8 high pulls
8 single-arm Russian swings, each arm
8 double-arm Russian swings
8 full swings + 5 sec pause at top of movement
8 single-arm OH sit-up, 4 each side
Using workout weight, perform:
15 Russian swings
10 regular swings
5 single-arm OH sit-ups (switch sides as needed)
Level 1 (Time)
For time:
800m run
60 russian KB swings (53/35lb)
600m Run
30 KB swings
400m run
20 OH KB sit-ups (switch arms as needed)
Level 2 (Time)
For time:
800m run
60 russian KB swings (44/26lb)
600m Run
30 KB swings
400m run
20 OH KB sit-ups (switch arms as needed)
Level 3 (Time)
For time:
800m run
60 russian KB swings (35/18lb)
600m Run
30 KB swings
400m run
20 OH KB sit-ups (switch arms as needed)
Level 4 (Time)
For time:
600m run
50 russian KB swings (26/13lb)
400m Run
25 KB swings
200m run
15 KB sit-ups
Repeat the partner hip stretch 1 minute each side, per person.