SSCOlyClub – Wed, Jan 4
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCOlyClub
A. ARE Squats – 1 round
1 round = 20 total reps w/5 second pause in bottom/rep
-5 air squats with elevated heel
-5 air squats level
-5 air squats with elevated toes
-5 air squats level
B. Barbell Mobility Complex – 1 round
Barbell Mobility Complex
1 round = 5 reps each, pausing for 2 seconds at each end range position, of:
-Good Mornings
-Back Squats
-Back Rack Elbow Rotations
-Behind Neck Press and Stretch
-Narrow Grip Overhead Squats
-Clean Grip Romanian Deadlifts
-Front Squats
A (No Measure)
Snatch Specific Warm Up Complex – 2 Rounds
1 round = 5 reps each of:
-Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift
-Muscle Snatch Strict
-Power snatch from above knee
-Overhead squat
-Snatch grip squat press(elevate heels or press from standing position if needed)
B (Weight)
Snatch – Find 1 Rep Max
-within 5-10 total reps @ 75% and above
C (Weight)
Clean and Jerk – Find 1 Rep Max
-within 5-10 total reps @ 75% and above