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SSCOlyClub – Mon, Jul 3

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCOlyClub


Warm Up (No Measure)

1. Crossover Symmetry or Banded 7’s

2. Mayhem Hip Halo Activation

3. Barbell Prep:

– Burgener snatch warm-up

– Snatch skill transfer exercises

– 3x High Hang Snatch + 3x Hang Snatch + 3x Snatch

Movement Prep (Checkmark)

3 Sets

10 Double Kettlebell Front Rack Hold Lateral Box Step Overs (5 each leg)

10 Barbell Good Mornings (go heavier than last week)

20 Straight Arm Banded Rotational Twists (10 each side)

Snatch Balance (5 Rounds for weight)

5 Sets: 3-3-3-2-2

3 Snatch Balance @ 6.5/10 RPE

3 Snatch Balance @ 7/10 RPE

3 Snatch Balance @ 8/10 RPE

2 Snatch Balance @ 8.5/10 RPE

2 Snatch Balance @ 8.5/10 RPE

Pause Power Snatch INTO Overhead Squat (4 Rounds for weight)

4 Sets: 3-2-1-1

3x Pause Power Snatch STRAIGHT INTO overhead squat @ 7/10 RPE

2x Pause Power Snatch STRAIGHT INTO overhead squat @ 7.5/10 RPE

1x Pause Power Snatch STRAIGHT INTO overhead squat @ 7.5/10 RPE

1x Pause Power Snatch STRAIGHT INTO overhead squat @ 7.5/10 RPE

*Pause in the power snatch receive for 1 second and then descend down into overhead squat. Do not stand between snatch and overhead squat.

Scoring: Load

Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Pull + Snatch (4 Rounds for weight)

4 Sets: 3 Sets

1 Snatch Deadlift to Mid Thigh + 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Snatch @ 6/10 RPE

1 Snatch Deadlift to Mid Thigh + 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Snatch @ 6.5/10 RPE

1 Snatch Deadlift to Mid Thigh + 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Snatch @ 7/10 RPE

1 Snatch Deadlift to Mid Thigh + 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Snatch @ 7/10 RPE

OPTIONAL: Accessory Work (Checkmark)

3 Sets

5 Dumbbell Renegade Row (push up + right arm row + Push up + left arm row = 1 rep)

10 Wall Ball Throw Sit Ups

50 ft Double Kettlebell Overhead Waiter Walk + :30 Handstand Hold