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SSCMetcon – Wed, Feb 8

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


partner warmup:

A) 10 seated rower pelvic rocks + 10 Legs straight, slight lean back – arms only +

Body swing with arms ***continue to cue push with feet

¼ slide

½ slide

Full slide

B) 20 ostrich walk + 20 thoracic pushups + 20 straight leg bear crawl

A) 10 seated pelvic rocks in catch position then –

1&pause – hold pause position, one push back to pause

2&pause – hold pause position, two push back to pause

3&pause – hold pause position, three push back to pause – with each stroke accelerate

B) 5 BW Good Mornings + 5ea BW Single Leg Deadlift +5 KB Good Mornings + 5ea KB Single Leg Deadlift

Strength Prep

Barbell Warmup:

10 Romanian deadlifts

10 good-mornings

10 deadlifts

Warm-up sets:

Add weight x 5reps

Add weight x 4reps

Add weight x 3reps – 2 to 3 sets here to get up to working weight



we are staying at one weight for all 5 sets of 3. looking for 75-85%

Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

5 rounds:

250m row sprint

2 min rest

Looking to get these done between :40 – 1:00. Everyone will rest for 2 min after. You want to be fully recovered so that each effort can be at a full sprint pace.