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SSCMetcon – Fri, Feb 3

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


banded hip distraction

bottom goblet squat hold rock side to side

thoracic pushups

banded hip distraction – lateral

bottom goblet squat hold- passive/active

forearm plank to downdog

banded hip distraction – hip flexor focus

goblet squat

side plank rotations

barbell warmup:

10 lateral jumps over bar

5 deadlift

5 muscle clean

10 elbow punches

5 up/down over bar

3 deadlift

3 muscle clean

6 elbow punches

5 pause front squats

3 front squats

5 lateral over bar burpees

lung primer:

3 lateral burpees

3 front squats


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 5 min:

9 Lateral Burpee over the barbell

9 Front Squats (115/75lb)

This is really fast – you need to start fast and hang on to end fast. Choose a weight on the barbell that you can do multiple sets unbroken.


3 rds for quality:

12 alt db curtsy lunge

20 DB Frog Pumps

12eaH-Sit Oblique Rotations