SSCMetcon – Thu, Dec 21
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Meditation Challenge
Warm Up
bike :30
10 cat cow
3ea slow groiners with hip opener
:30 bent knee hollow
3 position couch stretch
bike :30
10 up/dog to childs pose
10 fast groiners
10 straight let sit-ups
barbell upper lats/tricep
pause deadlift clean
foot work
tall cleans – working down
high hang power clean – ride it down
high hang squat clean
hang power clean – ride it down
hang squat clean
power clean – ride it down
squat clean
“Blast this Christmas Music, It’s joyful and triumphant” (2 Rounds for time)
20 Squat Clean (115/75)
30/24 Calorie Air Bike
40 GHD Sit-ups
-rest 5 minutes-
40 GHD Sit-ups
30/24 Calorie Air Bike
20 Squat Clean (115/75)
Time Cap: 20min
Choose a weight for the barbell that you can cycle these squat cleans for 5+ reps. If the volume on the GHD is too much take the reps down. Scale for GHD sit-ups is going to be weighted sit-ups. We want to be off the bike in 2 min.