SSCMetcon – Mon, Sep 19
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
1 Round:
–1min Bike/Ski
–5 Inchworm
–5 Plank to Downdog
–5 Up/Down
–5 Yoga Pushup
1 Round:
–1min Bike/Ski
–5ea MooseAntlers
–5 Elbow Plank to Downdog
–5 Burpees
2 Round:
–foam roll lats
–Banded PNF lat
–DB Lat Eccentrics
2 rounds:
–5 ea DB scap Wraps
–5 ea DB Press +
–10 Banded Lat Pulldowns
Barbell Warmup:
–5 strict press
–5 down
–5 down pop off shoulders
–5 push press
Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
3 rounds for time of:
400m Ski Erg
15 Bar Facing Burpees
9 Push Press, 135/95 lbs
Time cap: 12 min
The barbell is coming from the floor today and the weight is heavy – this may need to be done in 2 sets. For the Ski erg and the burpees find a good pace and stick with it.
Metcon (No Measure)
50 PERFECT Push Ups, for quality
*Use a box, band, knees etc to make these reps clean and smooth today. It’s alot of reps so you might start with a more challenging variation and then have to modify back as you go to maintain the PERFECT push up. If you can’t do 75, do what you can!