SSCMetcon – Tue, Sep 13
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
:90 sec bike/ski
3 up/downs
5 inchworm + scorpion
3 up/downs
5 plank to downdog + heel pump
3 up/downs
5 strict down worm up pushup
3 up/downs
10 alt passive cossack squats
3 up/downs
10 alt box step ups
:90 sec bike/ski
movement prep- 2 rounds:
5ea wtd single leg calf raise w/ 3 sec decent (hold db at side)
10ea direction knee circles (second round place db on knees)
5ea single arm db high pull w/ 3 sec decent
Dumbbell Specific Warmup:
-do all on right then left
5 db deadlift
5 db swings – to hip height
5 db cleans
5 db strict press
:15 sec ovhd hold + march
then –
1ea db hang Power clean + 1 db push press
4 Box Jump step down
1ea db hang Power clean + 1 db push jerk
4 Box Jump overs
4 alt db hang Power clean + jerk
2 Burpee Box Jump overs
Turkey Challenge online qualifier 22.2 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
As many rounds and reps as possible in 11:00:
14 Alternating dumbbell hang clean and jerk 50/35
8 Burpee box jump overs, 24/20”
11 min non-stop movement today – so you will need to pace yourself. For the most part movements should be done unbroken with minimal rest in between – you just want to pick a pace that you can stay consistent with the whole time.
3 rounds for quality of:
10 L/10 R Single Leg Glute Bridges
Banded Lateral Walk, L 25 ft/R 25 ft
Bird Dog, L 20 secs/R 20 secs