SSCMetcon – Tue, Nov 29
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
1 set:
:45 row (easy)
:30 hollow hold
:30 plank shoulder taps
:30 PVC pass thru
1 set:
:45 row (moderate)
:30 hollow rock
:30 push-ups
:30 scap pull-ups
1 set:
:45 row (hard)
:30 alternating v-ups
:30 ring support hold
:30 kip swings
2 ring dip negatives – hold for :03
2 strict ring dips
3 mini swings + 3 big swings
3 kipping pull-ups
2x kipping climbing drill
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
On a 15:00 clock:
1,700/2,000-m row
In the remaining time:
10 ring dips
10 bar muscle-ups
Looking to be off the rower in 7-9 min and then get 2-4 rounds of the dips and bmu. Focus today is testing our skills while fatigued. Today we will scale reps before modifying movement – so if you have bmu but not 20-40 total – scale the reps
Warm-up (No Measure)
Accumulate 3:00 in a weighted wall sit (35/25)