SSCMetcon – Sat, Nov 19
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm Up
1:00 Bike/Ski
20 Plate Toe Taps
20 Plate Skiers
20 Plate Hops
7 Cat Cow w Rockback
7ea Lying Leg Swings (crossover on second round)
7ea S. Leg Deadlift
10 Alt. Step Ups
7 Barbell Deadlift with a :03 puse in the bottom and a :03 pause at the top)
then spend 7-10 minutes warming up to heavy DL
With a Partner;
On a 40:00 Clock,
32 RDS – You go, I go (16ea)
5 Calorie Bike
3 Box Jump Overs
1 Deadlift (athletes choice, HEAVY single)
**Once you complete the 30rds, whatever time you have left to the 40:00 clock, accumulate as many calories on the SKI erg as possible.