SSCMetcon – Tue, Feb 7
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
bike/ski 2:00min
hip internal rotation stretch
hip external rotation stretch
hip ir rig
hip er rig
stationary lunges – toe
stationary lunges – flat
stationary lunges – foot up
Bike/Ski 2:00min
lacrosse ball in upper trap
banded shoulder ir/er
heavy db shoulder drops and hold
thoracic push up + Plank Rock +plank to downdog
thoracic push up + Plank Rock +shoulder taps
thoracic push up + Plank Rock +pike walk
wod prep:
3 strict down worm up pushups
3ea db stationary lunge taps
1 partial wall walk
2 hrpu – focus on coming up
3 ea alt db lunges
1 wall walk
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 12 min:
8 Alt DB Lunges (50/35lb)
4 Wall Walks
8 Alt DB Lunges
8 Push-ups *boys will have hands on plates
Trying for unbroken reps with all movements for the whole 12 min.
Accessory Work
3 rds for quality:
20 Banded Bicep Curls
20 Banded Tricep Push-downs
15 Banded Face Pulls