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SSCMetcon – Tue, Feb 14

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


Bike/Ski 3 min

lacrosse ball work

3 rds:

20 single unders- progressing

:20 Hollow Hold – progressing

8ea Plate Halos – *progressing

:20 Plate overhead hold- *progressing

(*kneeling, half kneeling, standing)

Barbell Warmup:

3 strict press + 3 sec hold old + 3 sec decent on each rep (reset between reps)

3 push press + 3 sec hold old + 3 sec decent on each rep(reset between reps)

3 push press + 3 sec hold old on the last rep (rebounding reps)

Metcon (Time)

6 rounds for time:

3 Push Press + 5 sec hold x 4 (95/65)

60 double-unders

9/7 cal Bike

Rest 2:00

So you do 3 push press then hold the barbell in the overhead position for 5 sec – do this 4x. This will total 12 push press. Thisdoes not have to be unbroken but no more than 2 sets. Focus on being nice and stacked in the overhead position. Then you will move onto your double unders.

We are looking for a 1:1 work to rest ration today. We will take fastest and slowest rd


3-4 RDS for Quality:

12 Landmine Rotations

12 Walking DB RDL

12 DB Hanging Knee Raises