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Call Us: 970-819-0243

SSCMetcon – Tue, Dec 6

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon

Warm Up

1 set:

2 position squat on rig x3

10 reach sky touch toes + pulse

10 elbow plank to downdog

10 Up/Downs

2 position squat o rig x 3

1 set:

50-ft broad jump

5 air squats

50-ft bear crawl

5 air squats

50-ft alternating spiderman pose

5 air squats

5 deadlift

5 hang shrug

5 hang muscle clean – pause in the hang- pause in down

5 hang power clean – pause in the hang – pause in the down

10 elbow punches

5 front squats – pause at bottom pull elbows up

5 front squats – pull elbows up throughout full squat

Hang Power Clean (Every 1:30 x 6 sets:
7 hang power cleans
– Cycle the bar as quickly as possible.)

Metcon (Time)

For time:


Lateral burpees over bar

Front squats (95/65 lb)

Time Cap: 10min

this is our light and fast workout for the week – push the pace.

Complete the front squats in 2 sets or less for rounds 30 and 20. The round of 10 should be unbroken.

Complete the round of 30 burpees in 2:45 or less.