SSCMetcon – Thu, Nov 3
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm Up
Snatch Warmup:
thoracic smashing
thoracic plate extension
PVC thoracic/shoulder
5 Prone dynamic snow angels
(lift+W+ovhd+rotate+lift – reverse)
crossbody band pull apart
PVC then Barbell –
from the high hang:
shrug + High Pull + muscle snatch
from the hang:
shrug + High Pull + muscle snatch
from mid shin:
shrug + High Pull + muscle snatch
2 position muscle snatch:
1 from high hang + 1 from hang. Work up to 1+1 x 3 – 2 waves
2 position muscle snatch:
1 from hang + 1 from mid shin. Work up to 1+1 x 3 – 2 waves
Pause Snatch pulls: 95%x3, 100%x2 – 2 waves
Pause positions – 1 ” off ground, below knee, above knee, down. stand
Snatch push press+snatch balance (to power position) +sotts press: 1+1+3 x 5 sets.