SSCMetcon – Thu, Jan 4
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Meditation Challenge
Warm Up (No Measure)
ski 1:00
lacrosse ball shoulder blades
shoulder short lever/long lever green band
:40 sec deadhang
12 ea shoulder series
20 shoulder taps – static + dynamic
5ea arnolds press
5 cyclist squat
:40 sec lat active
12 ea shoulder series
3 plank to downdog + pike
5ea arnolds press
5 cyclist squat
coach wall walk
coach shoulder press:
PVC in rig
Shoulder Press
4×10 Shoulder Press (build up to moderate weight)
* Rest 60-90 seconds between sets
Metcon (Time)
For time:
50/40 Calorie Bike
15 Wall Walks
50/40 Calorie Bike
Time cap: 12 minutes
Push the pace on the first bike – your heart rate will come down on the wall walks – try to finish that first bike in around 3min.
Second bike is going to be a bit slower – try to get it done in 3-4 min. You will recover fr the first few calories then settle into a good pace – then push it to the finish