SSCMetcon – Thu, Jan 12
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
3 rds:
7 cal bike/ski
7 air squats
14 jumpingjacks
3 rds:
:15sechandstand hold
:15 sec lat active hold
handstand prep:
5 tripod
5 tripod knee lift
3 headstand/attempts
5 donkey kicks
3 handstand negative
toes to bar prep:
5 kip swings
5 kipping hanging knee raises (knees just to parallel)
3 kipping hanging knee raise (knees to armpits)
1 kip + 1 knee to armpit + 1 ttb x 3
thruster prep:
5 deadlift
5 muscle clean
10 elbow punches
5 front squats
5 push press
3 thruster pause at shoulders
3 thrusters
FMS (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
EMOM for as long as
6 Toes-to-bars
7 Thrusters (95/65 lb.)
Time Cap: 15 min
this will be a good test. All movements need to be done unbroken for the first lots of….or you won’t get any rest. For the first few rounds you want 20 sec rest.this will be challenging from the beginning
a couple options:
1 – go for it withthese reps and hold on as long as you can – then scale the reps
2 – scale the reps from the beginning
3 – abort EMOM and go to amrap if necessary – 15 min
3 rds:
20 banded bicep curls
20 banded tricep push downs