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SSCMetcon – Thu, Feb 9

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


Movement- 2 rds:

3 min on a machine

20 banded lat pulldowns

:20eabent knee side plank

10ea Chainsaw DB Row

10ea bent knee side plank + hinge

10 Ring Rows w/ 3 sec decent

10ea bent knee side plank + rotation

10 Jumping Pull-ups

10 Tempo Air Squats

wod prep:

go over rom for both air squats and pull-ups

Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds for Time:

50 air squats

10 strict pull-ups

Time Cap: 10min

If you have a hard time knowing if you are getting to depth on the air squat grab a target to hit. For the pull-ups these should be challenging and split into 2-3 rds. If you are strong at pull-ups you will go unbroken and just work on speed for this workout – get it done quick!

core accessory

2 rds for quality:

1:00 Plank

20 ea half kneeling db wood chop


1 min. foam roll quad (each leg)

1 min. foam IT Band (each leg)

1 min. foam roll lats (each side)

1 min. couch stretch (each leg)

1 min. frog stretch