SSCMetcon – Wed, Dec 20
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Meditation Challenge
Warm Up (No Measure)
2 rounds:
inchworm + 3 thoracic pushups x 5
10 low cossack squats
:20 quadruped hold
10 tabletop rotations
10ea leg swings (front back side to side)
Row Progression:
set up-
find the catch
*on sits bones – pelvic rocks to find this position
*shoulders in front of hips
find the finish
*slight lean back – handle pulls to chest
10 leg drive only – chest stays leaning forward with shoulders in front of hips
10 leg drive with lean back + pause – arms stay straight
10 leg drive with lean back add arms + pause
50′ side shuffle
50′ karaoke
4 shuttle runs
500m Row (Time)
Max Effort 500m Row
Part A:
For Time:
Max Effort, 500m Row
-Rest till 10:00, then Part B-
This is an all out effort – it should hurt.
Death by Shuttle Run (AMRAP – Reps)
Part B:
Death by Shuttle Run
1 shuttle run = 25′ down and 25′ back
you will do 1 shuttle run the first minute and 2 the second minute and three the second minute. Keep going until you can’t anyore.
with whatever you have left in the tank after the row, you are going for it on this shuttle run .
3-4 rounds for quality:
15ea SA KB Deadbug
15 Dumbbell Calf Raise
15ea Rear Foot Elevated Bulgarian Split Squat