SSCMetcon – Thu, Dec 1
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm Up
1 set:
calf smash
calf raises
1:00 single-unders
7 ea split squats
10 deadbugs
1 set:
hip flexor smash
couch stretch
:30 high jump single-unders
7 ea stationary lunges
10 deadbugs
1 set:
glute smash
pigeon stretch
:30 fast fast slow
7 ea walking lunges
10 deadbugs
1 set for max reps:
Max unbroken double-unders
2:00 max unbroken double-unders
Metcon (Time)
For time:
Single DB lunges (50/35lbs)
This is intended to be easier on the joints to help the body recover a bit from the week so far…
we will hold one db for the lunges however you want. push the pace on the lunges and the sit-ups
Accessory Work
3 rounds for quality:
15 banded face pulls
15ea DB Bicep Curls
:45 sec foam roll