SSCMetcon – Sat, Nov 12
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm Up
:30 Machine
8 Plank to Downdog + Pigeon
:30 Machine
4eax 2 Position Squat on Rig
:30 Machine
8ea S. Leg Lying Leg Swing (Crossover 2nd round)
3 Burpees (focusing melting into the floor at the bottom)
3 Air Squats (5 seconds down, 5 seconds in the bottom, 5 seconds up)
5ea S. Arm DB Deadlift
3 Burpees (focusing on popping toes to wrists on the way up)
3 Air Squats (10 seconds in the bottom)
5ea S. Arm DB Swing
3 Burpees (focusing on jumping at the top)
8 FAST Air Squats
5ea S. Arm DB Push Press
1ea S. Arm DB Up-Down Devils Press
Teams of 3, For Time
100 Alt. S. Arm DB Up-Down Devils Press (50/35)
100 Burpees to a Target
200 Air Squats
rest 2:00
75 Alt. S. Arm DB Up-Down Devils Press (50/35)
75 Burpees to a Target
150 Air Squats
*Two people working at a time, synchro. One person resting,
CAP 35:00