SSCMetcon – Mon, Jan 9
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Bike/Ski: 45
16 alt walking lunges
Bike/Ski: 45
16 alt bird peckers
Bike/Ski: 45
16 alt groiners
Bike/Ski: 45
16 alt Mountain climbers
Bike/Ski: 45
16 thoracic pushups
Hip prep
20ea banded side steps
10 banded pull throughs
10 dynamic pigeon stretch
2-3 rounds
Workout Prep
Review the deadlift
With the empty barbell as a group perform a few reps of the following:
Good mornings
Set-up position
Deadlift (pause above the knee)
Prep with:
Deadlift (Heavy Single )
Take 12 minutes to find a heavy single for the day
Strength (10 Rounds for weight)
With 70-85% of your heaviest lift of the day perform:
3 reps
EMOM 10 min
core accessory
4 rounds of Tabata:
plank walks
leg lifts