SSCMetcon – Mon, Jan 22
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Lifestyle Challenge week 2
Drink ½ body weight in ounces of water per day + 15 ounces extra for every hour you workout
Warm Up
bike/ski :45
5 inchworm + bootstrapper
5ea thread the needle
20 thoracic pushups
10 air squats
bike/ski :45
:20 bent knee side plank
:20 quadruped hold
7ea bent knee side plank + hinge
:20 floating quadruped hold
7ea bent knee side plank + rotation
3eas floating quadruped + rotation
5 empty barbell back squats
5 jump squats
5 empty barbell deadlift
5 beyond the range dead stop kbs
Back Squat
5×5 @70% of heavy single
every 2 min
5×5 @70% of heavy single
every 2 min
4 sets:
7 Alligator Rolls (each way)
20 Plank Kettlebell Pull Unders
100ft Suitcase Carry (left)
100ft Suitcase Carry (right)