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SSCMetcon – Mon, Feb 6

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


3 rds:

row/ski 150 (straight leg, straight arm, reg)

5 up/dog into childs pose

5 arrested prone back extensions (add swimmers)

5 straight leg sit-ups

wod prep:

:10 sec deadhang+ :10 sec lat active + 10 lat pullups

10 kip swings building

5 wall ball ghd

3 kip swings + 1 pull-up

3 kip swings + 1 pull-up+ 1 ctb

3 kip swings + 1 pull-up+ 1 ctb +1 hip to bar

5 wall ball ghd

Metcon (Time)

1k row/ski

14 Bar muscle-ups

46 GHD sit-ups

750m row/ski

12 Bar muscle-ups

32 GHD sit-ups

500m row/ski

9 Bar muscle-ups

24 GHD sit-ups

Time Cap: 25min

RX+ ring MU

Pretty high volume today with high skill gymnastics and intense midline. Push it on the rower as your lungs will get a rest with mu and sit-ups. We will be breaking up all our movements today into 2-3 sets. For bar mu scale choose either kipping ring rows, kipping pull-ups or kipping ctb as your scale. For GHD sit-ups we will do them on a wall ball.